Tuesday, June 30, 2020

The Parlor book series by Audrey M. Stevens {review}

Hi everyone! Today I'll be reviewing a book series by Audrey M. Stevens. The Parlor is book #1 and The Ferrals is book #2.
Book title: The Parlor
Publication date: June 13, 2019
Author: Audrey M. Stevens
Genres: Science Fiction, Dystopia
Publisher: Luminare Press, LLC
Pages: 194
How I got the book: Sent for review; I received a copy of the book in exchange for my honest review.

The synopsis said the story was placed around a futuristic and progressive society, where women didn't meet men until they were 18 years old. 
Keeping females and males separated was their way of achieving "peace and prosperity". Which was shocking for me but not so much when it comes to a dystopia. When I started reading, it gave me a The Giver vibe. I kept reading and then I got some The Handmaid Tale's vibe. I even mention it to my friends from the book club! But honestly, this book is unique on its own. The plot was intriguing. I have to admit, at the beginning, the plot's rhythm was a little bit slow for my taste. But it was part of getting into the story and learning about the setting. I think the author did a pretty good job explaining the details about this whole thing of living separated. 

Andrea and her family are relatable and sweet. I enjoyed the dynamic between them. I think we can all agree that there's alway the annoying (in a good way) sister or brother in the family. Sarah was representing it very well! Even thought they have some differences, you can see they care and love each other. I think the age gap between the sisters (Andrea, Sarah and Aria) was a great way to settle the differences of them inside this society. All of them had to follow a different set of "rules". They were expected to comply those regulations according to their age or school grade. Women were assigned to a workplace depending on their skills and interests. That was pretty cool! But it was too much... they wanted to regulate every single thing. They had implants/chips to regulate things like their health, controlling how many kids they would have and stuff like that. Then, Andrea meets a man for the first time: Deed. And everything she thought she knew, completely changes; the government/system, family, EVERYTHING. Anyways, the thing is, Andrea is curious and interested in finding out more about the society from the point of view of Deed. The ending was a perfect way to leave you wanting for more.

If this book sounds like something you would enjoy, be sure to add it to you TBR.

Book title: The Ferrals (The Parlor book #2)
Publication date: March 18, 2020
Author: Audrey M. Stevens
Genres: Science Fiction, Dystopia
Publisher: Luminare Press, LLC
Pages: 185
How I got the book: Sent for review; I received a copy of the book in exchange for my honest review.

The Directorial Feminine Administration sounded kinda cool at the beginning with the first book, since they were taking care of the disaster men did when they were in charge. But at the end of The Parlor and now with The Ferrals, you get to see what's really behind all of this. The second book on this series dives into the story since the beginning, so the rhythm of the plot was not as slow as the first book. Mostly because you already know the background story of this society. I don't want to give any spoilers but as the synopsis says, for this book, now Andrea is living among men as Andy. I felt this series was trying to put out there the difference when men are placed above women, but totally the other way around. These books showed men being treated almost as slaves. They were catalogued as the weak ones. Woman had better jobs; but as we all know, that's not what's happening in the real world. The author's writing style is pretty great. She knows how to set up the right setting and mood. She's also very good at describing things. I could almost play this book in my mind as a movie. This second book deals with other strong and delicate subjects. Also, we get to meet more characters including Adam, and we follow Andy as she discovers more truths about this society and the government. And btw, I had a love-hate relationship with Deed, especially on this book. I didn't expect the ending at all; it leaves you wondering if there would be a third book in this series... We'll see!

If this book sounds like something you would enjoy, be sure to add it to you TBR.
Have you read these books yet? Let me now so we can talk about them ;)